Recent content by Sephiroth X

  1. S

    Bye Bye

    I am officially leaving. I have my own forum to get back too (kinda made, kinda not ^^) I need to get started on it. So i'll see ya all later, and have fun ^^. Good bye spammerz-place I will miss you. :cry2: :cry2: :cry2: :cry2: A special bye bye goes to following members... Cloud. :love...
  2. S

    Anyone want my points?

    Well I really don't need em. But I think one of you would enjoy them more then me. To make it fair I would just like you to answer on question the most creative or funniest gets it. "Whats the deal with airline food?!" (Lame I know I couldn't think of a question) Hope I get replies ^^
  3. S

    Template I made

    I didnt finish of the text on the buttom but it doesn't really matter yet. ^^ (It's for the website me and Cloud or going to make in the near future.)
  4. S

    MY newest ownage sig

    Hope you like it ^^
  5. S

    New Banner (For Forum)

    I was just wondering if I could make a new banner for the white skin for the forum. (Up the top) Just give me the Width by Height, And the character you wanna see up there gimme a day and I will do it. ^^ Edit: and a slogan.
  6. S

    One of my MADE! Cloud sigs

    Here it is, I put about 1 and a half hours into it. YOu can use it if you like. C&C Please ^^ (Btw C&C stand for Comments & Criticism)
  7. S

    My first sig

    :) :) :) :) :( :( :( :(
  8. S

    What is better?

    Which Do is better Lionheart or Omnislash? As in which is the cooler one (In look, damage and style).
  9. S

    A bit too late.

    Well anyways im back! A bit too late but im posting here! HELLO ALL!
  10. S

    For all you CS fans LOL LOL LOL LOL A bit of swearing watch with caution.
  11. S

    How did you learn

    I got my copy of "Photoshop" ;) the other day.. and i need help? I don't know what half the stuff is, And i dont even know how to use the stuff that i already know hot to use. :D Help would be awesome. and make a guy :cry cry:cry :(
  12. S

    Cowboy Bepop

    Anyone read this series? Some funny episodes in there, ITs just like the show but you can imagine their voices :) I enjoyed this series alot.
  13. S

    One Piece

    Anyone watch this? I've seen all the PAL version I could get my hands onto, It's so awesome, the humour, the storyling and the characters too :). Anyone else like this series?
  14. S

    Azu Manga Daioh

    I dont not what to say about this series:wacko , its so good, has its moments but some of the character can really annoy me, anyone else watch the series?
  15. S

    Cowboy Bepop

    OMG, this series is the best all rounded series I've ever watched, it's as all rounded as trigun, BUT better :). Thier are moments when Spike (The main charater is stylish, serious, strong and compassionate. The series is a slow one in story line, you wouldnt notice but the story is cut up into...