Sergeant Dreamer

First Lieutenant in the U.S Army
Oct 28, 1986 (Age: 37)
Country Flag
Military Police Officer of the 118th Military Police Company
Real Name


We are the ones, standing alone everywhere,
Around every corner, we are always there.
We are there before you come, and there after you leave.
No other soldiers are as disciplined as we;
The battles we face are usually the worst.
But when it's time to go, we are the first
Patrolling on post or conquering the field,
At home or abroad, we will never yield.
We have trained hard to be the best;
Wherever we go, we stand above the rest.
Taking every mission, with courage we survived;
Though many were injured and many have died.
As Military Police, we Defend, Assist, and Protect;
For all our fallen comrades, we show the utmost respect.
Being "Of the Troops and For the Troops"
is harder than we thought;
We never could have imagined
the battles we fought.
When you are off defending
the home of the free,
Look by your side,

There Will Be An MP.