Recent content by The Banana

  1. The Banana


    ok, i know its not out yet, but seriously this movie looks hillarious. It may just be the funniest move of the summer. *boop*
  2. The Banana

    Paula Abdule Being Drunk every moment on TV

    ok, is it just me, or is she just ALWAYS either stoned or drunk? case proven point: its sooo funny!!!!!!
  3. The Banana

    Views on Life, how living affects you.

    well, as a kid interested in psychology, i want to see basic views on life. congrads, this is now a project for me :P so, what do you think about life, how to live to the fullest? Religion should be important? or not? Live your life every step of the way? or look ahead?
  4. The Banana

    Anime Conventions

    i just went to my first one, AnimeNext, and loved it! so many naruto cosplayers >.< any who, i figured i'd make a Convention thread, if theres already one, then its buried. been to one? want to? cosplayed?
  5. The Banana

    Star Ocean 3: TtEoT

    i know this is a really old game (not really but watevs :D), but i really loved it. i mean two disks, you can decide what characters you wanted. all of them are different and playable, and it wasnt turnbased. what more could you ask for?
  6. The Banana

    the new Interpol CD

    Anyone buy it? i have it, my opinion is that its not their best...
  7. The Banana


    Hey, im The Banana. I just found out about this place from another forum member, so i figured i'd give it a try. I'm hoping that the RPG system here is good, because i intend on using it...alot :D. i've been on alot of forums, so i dont disrespect anyone, unless they disrespect me. I'm into...