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  1. F

    ZEITGEIST, the full film.

    <span style="color:DarkOrchid">Warning: More truth than I think most can handle, this will really change the way you thought things were in this world. 2 Hours long so grab some popcorn and learn a thing or two.</span>
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    Dutch anti-piracy oufit Brein scores one against Leaseweb

    Link <div class='quotetop'></div><div class='quotemain'>In response to this decision several BitTorrent admins, who prefer not to be named, already announced that they have plans to leave Leaseweb. Others are setting up backup locations in case their site s are targeted. An admin of one of the...
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    You know what rocks? Ghostbusters.

    <span style="color:DarkOrchid">It's on t.v. right now. What's the best movie you've ever seen shown on television? As in, not on a dvd, and not in theaters. </span>
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    Last thing you've eaten?

    <span style="color:DarkOrchid">Just a new take on those "last [insert subject here]" threads. Microwaveable honey BBQ chicken wings. Mmm Mmm budget foods.</span>
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    Prefered method of suicide?

    <span style="color:DarkOrchid">You've decided to do it, life has reached an impossible end and there's no other way out but death. How will you finally get that eternal rest? How will you release yourself from your mortal coil? The choice is yours, and yours alone.</span>
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    The Angry Video Game Nerd

    <span style="color:DarkOrchid">XD I love this guy. Formerly known as the Angry Nintendo Nerd, he reviews all of the old crap-ass games out there for nobody else will ever have to. Be warned though, he's rather...harsh with his language when describing the games he plays. <embed...
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    Church wants cash for the "desecration" of a cathedral in Resistance: Fall of Man

    Church wants cash for the "desecration" of a cathedral in Resistance: Fall of Man <div class='quotetop'></div><div class='quotemain'>LONDON, England (CNN) -- Entertainment giant Sony has been branded irresponsible for using a cathedral from a city plagued by gun crime in a violent video game...
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    Sup Wonderboy =|

    <span style="color:DarkOrchid">How's my buddah =D</span>
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    Fun little game. <span style="color:DarkOrchid">Catch the paper ball, throw the paper ball. Fun time passer.</span>
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    Turn off the lights for this one.

    <span style="font-size:14pt;line-height:100%"><span style="color:DarkRed">The Rake</span></span> <div class='quotetop'></div><div class='quotemain'>A Suicide Note: 1964 As I prepare to take my life, I feel it necessary to assuage any guilt or pain I have introduced through this act. It is not...
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    What type of education do you currently have?

    <span style="color:DarkOrchid">Curious. =]</span>
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    helo to all

    helo everyone, Just thought i wud introduce meself... nu to this place an just as eager to play sc2 as everyone else! Game On :dancing: :cool:
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    The dark and the light side of sigs, as presented by me.

    <span style="color:DarkOrchid">Eh? EH? The newer one is obviously the darker toned one, as I wanted to give contrast to the way colors and renders are used to give the signature that certain feel... While it may be a lazy art form, 'tis one none-the-less! So I present to you my latest two...
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    Yes I'm such an alliance fag.

    <span style="color:DarkOrchid">Feel free to rate, I just felt like making something...fresh. I'm so used to making signatures with a much more darker tone to them. I'm thinking about making an opposite of this one, a dark one to be a yang to it's yin.</span>
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    Attack of the Swarm: A very sick and twisted game...but oh how fun! =]

    <span style="color:DarkOrchid"> In this game you control a swarm of bees with your mouse, and the goal is to just attack and absolutely mutilate a group of people by swarming all over them, chucking them in the air, and juggling them in any way you...
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    *falls to knees*

    <span style="color:DarkOrchid">*clutches dying forum in arms* WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY?! No, but really, what's up? Everyone still alive?</span>
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    FYCN's tribute to agamo

    Enjoy your appreciation day!
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    We're having tacos on christmas.

    <span style="color:DarkOrchid">So stay away Jesse, I know you'll try to steal some. <_<</span>
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    Do you believe in God? Or a godlike figure?

    <span style="color:DarkOrchid">This is going to be good.</span>
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    Chris, Jesse, where are you guys

    <span style="color:DarkOrchid">My lawn needs cutting, and the porch isn't looking too good. Roof could use some work too.</span> :pirateb: