Chronicles of blood: Werewolves VS. Vampires

Dengeki Uchuujin

New member
Oct 26, 2006
The based year is 3168....
We all know that werewolves and vampires have always hated eachother, for the most part anyway. the only thing they havent done is have a war..... well thats going to change today......

the vampires have attacked the werewolf leader, Togattashikon Urufu. They got close enough to do this by offering the werewolves a peace conference with the leader of the werewolves. then when the werewolves said the OK, they set up the conference. The werwolves thought this might be a trap so they made the conference at their side of the country.

The vampires had their own plan, they went into the village with only three in their group. then when it was just both leaders in the room they attacked. now it was only the leaders, and the werewolf, being younger and stronger could have taken him but the vampires had 10 bat-formed vampires haniging on the ceiling waiting for the signal, then after 5 minutes there was whistle.

By the time the guards were in the room their leader was dead. This was the last staw for the werewolves. The werewolves have declared war, and now its just an all out brawl between then, right? wrong, the Neko's (Cat people) have joined the fight, for what looks like no apparent reason other than power. Who will win, will anyone win, thats for you to decide.....

After the war broke out the werewolves needed a battle plan, the elders are what makes the battle plans, who they attack, where they attack and more. the elders are the most powerful with their magic and have the most healing powers.

you can be whatever race you want,

They have the strongest attack and speed (no they cant dodge every attack and they cant teleport). Their magic is more of a boost of attack, or speed, though they do have actual magic attacks. to heal they eat meat or their enemies.

They have the strongest magic and defense. Their magic is usually elemental, and they can heal themselves with a bottle of blood or from their enemies or even recently dead enemies.

they have the strongest intelligence and are bound to the almost even amount of strength and magic. They can use either type of spells and can heal either way.

Rank: (soldier,assasin or anything like that)
Appearance: Pics allowed
Magic: (please be creative)

I will post mine after a few have posted.'

The rules are the same as everywhere eles
1.have some romance but not to much into detail.
2. You can post off topic but please put OOC: and dont do it to much, i dont want to see a whole page of offtopic things with 2 on topic post on it
3. dont kill the main characters unlees you ask me, and dont ask me right away
4. if you want a new character please tell me, ill have someone kill you or think something
5. you can have more than one character but only one of each race.
6. have fun!!!!!!

1. Yahiko
2. RPgirl



Werewolf Elders
1. Yahiko - supreme elder

Vampire elders

Neko elders


my temp

Name: Chishio Uchuujin

Age: 29

Rank: Supreme commander of the Uchuujin army, and one ofthe six high elders.

Appearance: WILL ADD LATER.

Personality: he is very trusworthy, which has caused him some aweful memory's in his past. though he does not like to fight this is a war, not a time to kick back and relax, NO MERCY!!!!

Race: werewolf

weapon: similar to the weapon on the picture but, there is ice on it not fire, the ice makes the blade more durable and sharper. Frozen kolamityu, and the touketsu.

History: he was trained by his father who was one of the trainers at the the academy of werewolves(AOW). when he graduated he dod so with the top grade. because of this, he got his secondary weapon. the frozen kolamity, basically the upgraded version of his ice sword. The other wepan he got was his Touketsu - this weapon shoot liquid nitrogen, that freezes wherever it hits on target, but only where it hits, unlike the version 2.0. on his very first mission he met a vampire, he tried to kill it and it was a very fierce battle. Right as he was about to pull out the 2nd version of his sword, the vampire vampire jumped and struck, but he could fell no pain. when he final realized that the vampire was drinking the blood of....another vampire, right after the vampire was done he asked him his name, the vampire replied "its Abel Nightroad" after the introduction, they bacame good friends, and now they have risen to the rank of the commander and 2nd commander. the only thing that is left would be a hero of the war.......

Magic: Chishio's magic get stronger with every battle but the just of it is, he makes alot of ice accessories to his weapons, and he makes ice bombs. at the start of every new battle he makes a sheet of ice wrap around his body to make armor.
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New member
Jan 24, 2006
On a milk carton
What the hell.

Name: Daesy Vendega
Age: Unknown
Rank: Assasin
Appearance: Will Edit
Personality: Daesy is cold. Shes also is a blood thirsty sadist.
Race: Vampire
weapon: A long Katana, and a customized gun, Mauser
History: Will Edit
Magic: Will Edit


New member
Name: Lisa Luc

Age: 19

Rank: Hand to Hand combat

Appearance: Human Form- Girls/Shannonpic001.jpg
Beast- (But with a Blue tent to fur)

Personality: Always optimistic, she loves to brag about her strength and always hungry for some meat.

Race: Werewolf

weapon: Wolf Paws

History: Due to her Size she is always mistaken for A 15 year old or even 13 yeah old. She took up Hand to Hand combat training to show that she was a big package in a little gift. Her Clan/ pack was wiped out by the wars, so she travels along with Foxes. She heard that one of the Elders might be from her clan, who knows?

-Poison Fang: A Truly Toxic Bite
-Lovely Kisses: Kisses the foe on the lip and make them feel like they drank 12 gallons of Sake (Note due to this she can't get drunk)
-Cosmic Hit: A blow with the power of the Moon (Note when there's a Full moon the Move is devastating)

Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
We've Gotta have a Neko!

Name: Rezin Vemon
Age: 46

Rank: Mage


Personality: Rezin is a loner, he has been all his life. He preffers to work alone and does so excelently. He could really care less about power or the war, but he is searching for something (or someone) from his past.

Race: Neko

weapon: A magic rod about 5 feet tall that has a circle with two triangles for the tip.

History: Even Rezin himself doesn't know it, except tiny bits and peices that come back occasionally and a name, Tsubame.


Attack Spells:
Eruption: The ground opens up around the enemy and a ring of fire shoots from it. (Enemy will always survive the first use, if used again 64% chance of survival)

Icicle Pike: Icicles surround the enemy and shoot inward, sharp points first.

Dirgra: A boulder shoots toward the enemy, sometimes crushing them.

Support Spell:

Cure: Removes wounds from the body.

Heal: cures all types of poison, except vampie bites (removes the poison, but the one bitten will still become a vampire)

Summon Skeletal Minion: does exactly as the title say, uses the souls of the dead on the battlefeild to raise a skeleton that will do Rezin's bidding, no matter what it is.

Dengeki Uchuujin

New member
Oct 26, 2006
OOC: OK, we can start...

IC: Chishio was already planning the attack on the vampires. The only problem was if the neko's would attack first.... he then made it to the conference room. "yes, yes i know that the vampires have discraced us but if we leave the neko's will surely attack" said one of the elders, whose name Chishio didnt know since he was one of the newest elders. Chishio said almost angrily, " do you actually think we would send all of our troops, I dont know why your even hear, you are nothing compared to Togattashikon..... you know what im sorry for that, im just angry at the vampires. I have a plan though we cannot let it leave the room. I propose that we attack the nekos first, they seem to be small in numbers, but we should only send 100 troops and some scout to watch the battle, that way we will know their main tactics......."

Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
Rezin walked into the abandoned castle, scanning the foyer before proceeding into it. He had noticed a rustle in the banisters above, and readied himself for an attack. He backed himself up against the side wall as he moved his way to the front of the steps, staying alert for any signs of the enemy.

Rezin stepped up the first step and an organ immediately began playing a loud, ominous tune. Damn, an alarm. I should have been more careful. He jumped over the gate that was rising at the bottom of the stairs and landed quietly on his toes. Then a few moments later, the master of the castle appeared. He wore a red clape, with a pale face, and blonde hair that was pulled back in a pontail in the back and falling infront of his face in the front. "I see you've found me. Good job, but I'm afraid that you made all that effort for nothing. You won't be leaving this castle, atleast not in your current state. Join me now, and I'll save you the soon to come pain." said Strigoi, the vampire that was standing infront of Rezin. "I don't think so, demon." Rezin replied, raising his staff and readying for an attack...


New member
Lisa was at the Main base of the Werewolves, she was walking through the training grounds, she was watching the others train seeing if there skills has imporved. But as she walked around she slowly got cought up in her mind.
'Man, I've been here for about 5 mounths and I'm still no where close t meeting the Eleders.... How am I gonna find out if the roumors are ture....' Thought Lisa as she let out a sigh.

Lisa lookedup at the sky, suddenly there was a sound from behind her. She jumpped out out of the way. It seems one of the student was trying a sneak attack on her. "Come on, all I see you do is daydream around here. Lets see if you earn your title as the hand to hand combat teacher. Little Girl." Siad th student in a high and mighty tone.
"Great another Student that thinks he's so strong." Siad Lisa with a sigh as she put up a fighting pose.

Dengeki Uchuujin

New member
Oct 26, 2006
Chishio sat down at his spot on the councils seat, " do we have any objections?" The new member of the council started to talk, then stopped abruptly. Chishio laughed, " Good, no more lip from you. Now I think that that is all for this meeting, im going to go to the training grounds. I really need to practice my swordsmanship, and we need an update on the training..."

Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
"Well, as I see there's no convining you, I'll just have to force you into my... shall we say... eternal service? Yes, that fits the term perfectly." stated Strigoi, addin a rather menacing laugh at the end. "You've got one sick sense of humor, vampire, but that's about to end, along with your life, well, death. The point is I'm leaving here, and your never going to again." Rezin ended the conversation with that. There were only two things in this world that could kill a vampire, and those were werewolfs and nekos.

Strigoi flew through the air towards Rezin, but he jumped high up and dodged, waiting until he started his fall bakc dow to cast his Icicle pike spell, it homed in on his poopnent, stunning him for a few seconds. Rezin took advantage of that opportunity to rush in and stab Strigoi in the chest about twice, then rushed back out and got ready for the next attack.

Rezin knew his opponent wouldn't fall so easily. A few seconds later Strigoi stood gack up and came in for another attack. Rezin repeated what he did last time, only the vampire saw through it and shot up with him at the last second. Strigoi came in with his fangs barred, and Rezin just barely dodged the bite, the vampires teeth gashing his arm. He then kicked Strigoi in the face, and lande in the middle of the rom with a quiet thump. Strigoi came daown slower than him, and as soon as the vampire touched the ground Rezin cast eruption.

A few minutes later, the vampire lay on the floor in a lump, dead. "See, I told you it would be me who was leaving. I'll just take this, and be on my way." Rezin stepped out of the castle, unopposed by any of the opposition. "This is just too easy. Vampires are so easy to predict. I need something harder, alittle more challenging. Well I'll just get back to the camp now, and get my new orders."

**A few houts later*****

"Rezin, we have your new orders now. Our sources inside the werewolf main camp say they are planning an attack against us, trying to attack us while out numbers are still small. They are misinformed, we are over 200 strong and well armed with weapons, provisions and battlemages, liek you. You new ordes will be as a spy against the werewolves and an emmisarry once the battle is over. Do you understand? You must not let yourself be seen by anyone except our contacts until the battle is over. We will send a message as soon as it is, even if we do lose, which is probablyu unlikely. You will set out in the morning, and hope to arrive at the camp by evening, where you will be intercepted by one of our contacts. Stay atleast a mile away from the camp at all times, and our source within the elder will make sure that there is atleast one contact within all their searc parties at all time. You will get information from them, and then send it straight to us. Good luck out there, and may your job be a complete success."


New member
Lisa smiled at the eger student, "Fine if it makes you feel like a big man, come...dazzle me." Siad Lisa in a tauntful way as some of the other Students gather around to see one of the many teachers fight.
The Student charged towards, "Take this, Pyro Drive!" Called out the student as a firy punched was lunched at Lisa.

The punch made contact or so the student thought, what he really punched was the after image of Lisa. The Image disappered when it was hit, "Huh, what did she ran away?" Siad the student as he looked around with a puzzled face.
At that moment Lisa appered behind him and performed a low swipe kick, the student was knocked off blanced and fell.
In one smooth motion Lisa grabed the callor of the fallen studnet's shirt and slamed him into the ground, The Egered Student was out cold.

"Heh, I guess your not that much of a man are you." Siad Lisa as she stood up and dusted her self off. "Okay, you two get Mr.Sneak Attack to the Nurse, the rest of you have dubble training due to Him." Ordered Lisa as she looked at the gathered students. Two of them ran over to the KO'd Student and carried him to the Nurse, while the others moaned and groan and went back to there training.

Lisa sighed and smiled, "Well, at least some of them got spunk." She said while swaying her tail.

Dengeki Uchuujin

New member
Oct 26, 2006
CHishio entered the training ground and watched as the young werewolf tried to beat the training master in a fight. Chishio walked up to her and said, " Nice fight Lisa. MAybe yo uwould like to take a spot with the elders???" Chishio walked up to her and looked at her more caringly and said, " I know that I would enjoy that." He then thought to himself, Ive always liked her.... I hope she excepts this offer... after all Im young and on it... why couldnt she... Chishio looked into her eyes as he awaited her reply


New member
Lisa rased an eye brow at Chishio's offer. Hmm, my chances to see if one of the Elders is really from my clan.... I won't be alone any more... Lisa smiled and held her hand out to shake. "Sure, be glad to meet those famus Elders." Siad Lisa with a hardy laugh.

Lisa is a female but she rased her slef to be one of the guys, she's more of a tom boy that the girly type.

Dengeki Uchuujin

New member
Oct 26, 2006
"Sure, be glad to meet those famus Elders."

Chishio heard her words and almost umped in the air. " I am glad that you have taken my offer... now if you will follow me?" Chishio said gleefully. He then walked a little ahead and then stopped, and waited for Lisa... after all that was the right thing to do.


New member
May 17, 2006
under the moon and stars
Name: Aaura Niwa
Age: Unkown
Rank: Assasin Princess
Appearance: May Varry
Personality: Hates New Blood And Halflings Kills Anything In Her Way
Race: Vampire (May Be Elder No One Knows)
weapon: Teeth When Close Enough, But Mainly Uses Rose Thorn Whip And Dagger
History: No One Really Knows Where She Came From Just That She Wears A Crown, And That She Has Fought Many Wars Between Humans And Witches In Past Lives. She Gets Tiny Or Big Black And Red Angel Wings Depending On The Moon Phases. When She Was 3000 She Was Cursed My A Female Neko, And Gave Her Angel Wings By Moon Phases, In These Phases She Gets Stronger At Some Points And Weaker In Others.
Magic: Uses Fire Element And Earth.