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  1. The True Keyblader

    News Jive-talking twin Transformers raise race issues (AP)

    LOS ANGELES - Harmless comic characters or racist robots? The buzz over the summer blockbuster "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen" only grew Wednesday as some said two jive-talking Chevy characters were racial caricatures. Skids and Mudflap, twin robots disguised as compact hatchbacks...
  2. The True Keyblader

    Quiz What video game character are you?

    Video game characters come in all shapes and sizes. Which video game character are you? Take this character quiz to find out which character you are. It's the video game quiz. You're in the grocery store about to buy your favorite food. What is it? * Ice cream * Dots * An apple...
  3. The True Keyblader

    Quiz The Jealousy Quiz

    Is it good to make your partner jealous? Yes or No
  4. The True Keyblader

    News Make $50K Your First Year

    Make $50K Your First Year 7 Lucrative Fields That Don't Require an Advanced Degree We all have to work our way up the corporate ladder, and that typically means paying dues in a low-paying, entry-level gig. But if you cringe at the idea of working for peanuts, don't panic -- you don't need an...
  5. The True Keyblader

    News Swine flu spreads in 10 US states, Europe

    WASHINGTON – Virulent swine flu spread to 10 U.S. states from coast to coast Wednesday and swept deeper into Europe, extending its global reach as President Barack Obama mourned the first U.S. death, a Mexican toddler who had traveled with his family to Texas. Total American cases surged to...
  6. The True Keyblader

    Wii Sports is best-selling game ever

    Well, that didn't take long. According to game-tracking website VGChartz, sales of Nintendo's pop-culture phenom Wii Sports have surpassed those of legendary platformer Super Mario Bros., making the breakout Wii title the best-selling video game of all time. And it only took two years and two...
  7. The True Keyblader

    News What Happens When We Die?

    A fellow at New York City's Weill Cornell Medical Center, Dr. Sam Parnia is one of the world's leading experts on the scientific study of death. Last week Parnia and his colleagues at the Human Consciousness Project announced their first major undertaking: a 3-year exploration of the biology...
  8. The True Keyblader

    The crime that created Superman: Did fatal robbery spawn Man of Steel?

    On the night of June 2, 1932, the world's first superhero was born — not on the mythical planet of Krypton but from a little-known tragedy on the streets of Cleveland. It was Thursday night, about 8:10 p.m., and Mitchell Siegel, a Jewish immigrant from Lithuania, was in his secondhand clothing...
  9. The True Keyblader

    News Actor and comedian Bernie Mac dies at age 50

    CHICAGO - Bernie Mac, the actor and comedian who teamed up in the casino heist caper "Ocean's Eleven" and gained a prestigious Peabody Award for his sitcom "The Bernie Mac Show," died Saturday at age 50. "Actor/comedian Bernie Mac passed away this morning from complications due to pneumonia...
  10. The True Keyblader

    News Viewer's Guide: Aug. 1 Solar Eclipse

    Friday, August 1 is a red-letter day for eclipse enthusiasts. On that date, the sun will be partially eclipsed over an immense area that includes western and central Asia, parts of northern and central Europe, all of Greenland and even a small slice of northeastern North America. A total solar...
  11. The True Keyblader

    News Earth's Cries Recorded in Space

    Earth emits an ear-piercing series of chirps and whistles that could be heard by any aliens who might be listening, astronomers have discovered. The sound is awful, a new recording from space reveals. Scientists have known about the radiation since the 1970s. It is created high above the...
  12. The True Keyblader

    News Fossil of most primitive 4-legged creature found

    WASHINGTON - Scientists unearthed a skull of the most primitive four-legged creature in Earth's history, which should help them better understand the evolution of fish to advanced animals that walk on land. The 365 million-year-old fossil skull, shoulders and part of the pelvis of the...
  13. The True Keyblader

    News Astronomers on Verge of Finding Earth's Twin

    Planet hunters say it's just a matter of time before they lasso Earth's twin, which almost surely is hiding somewhere in our star-studded galaxy. Momentum is building: Just last week, astronomers announced they had discovered three super-Earths — worlds more massive than ours but small enough...
  14. The True Keyblader

    Movies Hellboy II: The Golden Army

    The mythical world starts a rebellion against humanity in order to rule the Earth, so Hellboy and his team must save the world from the rebellious creatures. YouTube - NEW (HD) Hellboy II The Golden Army Trailer Movie - 2 Two
  15. The True Keyblader

    Movies The Incredible Hulk

    Depicting the events after the Gamma Bomb, 'The Incredible Hulk' tells the story of Dr Bruce Banner, who seeks a cure to his unique condition, which causes him to turn into a giant green monster under emotional stress. Whilst on the run from military which seeks his capture, Banner comes close...
  16. The True Keyblader

    Study: Stonehenge was a burial site for centuries

    WASHINGTON - England's enigmatic Stonehenge served as a burial ground from its earliest beginnings and for several hundred years thereafter, new research indicates. Dating of cremated remains shows burials took place as early as 3000 B.C., when the first ditches around the monument were being...
  17. The True Keyblader

    GTA IV star only made $100,000

    Forget liberty - give us residuals or give us death. It's a sentiment shared by countless actors, and one most poignantly offered by Michael Hollick, better known as the voice of GTA IV's immigrant star, Niko Bellic. In a New York Times article, Hollick revealed that he earned about $100,000...
  18. The True Keyblader

    ID-protection ads come back to bite pitchman

    SAN JOSE, Calif. - Todd Davis has dared criminals for two years to try stealing his identity: Ads for his fraud-prevention company, LifeLock, even offer his Social Security number next to his smiling mug. Now, Lifelock customers in Maryland, New Jersey and West Virginia are suing Davis...
  19. The True Keyblader

    May 19, 1780: Darkness at Noon Enshrouds New England

    1780: In the midst of the Revolutionary War, darkness descends on New England at midday. Many people think Judgment Day is at hand. It will be remembered as New England's Dark Day. Diaries of the preceding days mention smoky air and a red sun at morning and evening. Around noon this day, an...
  20. The True Keyblader

    Treasure trove found in 500-year-old shipwreck off Africa

    JOHANNESBURG, South Africa - The ship was laden with tons of copper ingots, elephant tusks, gold coins — and cannons to fend off pirates. But it had nothing to protect it from the fierce weather off a particularly bleak stretch of inhospitable African coast, and it sank 500 years ago. Now it...