Meet Kyo X

Blade X

New member
May 29, 2006

The clothes would be like tht and his hair well pretty much tht colour be longer. Then the weapons would be two katanas (not like Kadaj). One on his back, one by his side. His speed would be like Kenshin Himura's along with strenght. His trademark move would be using the two katanas leaving a cross shaped wound on his opponents.

Age: maybe abt 25

martial Status: single

Alilties: the uncanning ability to sense who's coming, feel wut ppl are feeling

Background: Ever since he was a child, he was a free spirit. His style was mixed into others making it his own. Using different stances to keep his opponents guessing. His skills are unmatch one on one. Rumours are spreading tht he is undefeated in 100 duels n still going stronger. He seeks no duels coz his opponents seek him. He sees them as a waste of time, there's no telling wut opponents are seeking him out here in this realm
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Blade X

New member
May 29, 2006
might as well add in the skills for him

Battou Jitsu: this is the classic stance for all users of the samurai sword. He has become so proefficient at using this tht his speed has increase in drawing his sword to the point where he has said to achieve the legendary flashstep skill.

Angel Battou Jitsu (ABJ): this is a variation of the Battou Jistu stance with Kyo leaning forward with his right shoulder where his other sword is. Again kyo has managed to master this to the flashstep speed.

Double Battou Jistu: this involves the use of both swords. The stance is like the ABJ stance but both hands are gripping opposite swords. The movement is rather dangerous as when the swords must be drawn exactly wen the right leg lands a few steps away from the opponent. This is said to be the most dangerous variation of Battou Jitsu as if it is mistime. It would lead to self injury.

Double Gatsou stance: this is similar to Saitou Hajime's stance but Kyo has changed it to his style using 2 swords n being on the right hand side. The left sword is crossing at the tip . When this is in movement, the left sword is brought back to the hilt of the right sword. This would surprise the opponent and blocks both swords at the joint if they are fast enough n strong enough to hold it. The force of the impact would shatter the sword which leaves them defenseless.

(to be continued)
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