Shooting Sliver Stars


New member

Among the stars, above the heavens, Between the very fabric of the galaxies. There lays a heaven, Home to where stars are born along with Constellations, this wonderus place is called Star Heaven. Beings known as Sprites, Star Borns and Constellation are known to live there, along with the being that created them all; Mother Nova.
Mother Nova protected and held balance to the stars for many of eons, but her power recently; it has been weaning and dying it. The Dimming stars in the sky is proof of her weaken state. It seems that her nemesis; Odden, has finally wore her down, or did he really?
What ever the case is, Mother Nova is weakening and Odden is making his move. With the last of her free strength and sent the 24 main Constellations out, it is with her last hope that rest with them, they must find the legendary Weapons of the moon and find there way back to Star Heaven to finish off the fend known as Odden. But the Legendary Weapons of the Moon are hidden on Several Worlds. Can they find the Weapons and make it back home in time; can Mother Nova hold on, will Odden true porpoise be reviled?


-Constellations: they are special beings said to be created around the constellation in the night sky, there are 24 all together and they each posses a special power, some with elements others with Physical traits, some with both.

-Sprites: They are the ones that put the stars in the night sky, they are also the one that helps Mother Nova create New Constellations.

-Star Borns: They are Star New Borns; they are made when ever a star dies out. Mother Nova looks after them with care, so they can grow to be bright new stars.



Snake: So very cunning and sometimes hard to trust, but they are ever so charming (Taken by Crus-kun)

Horse: Free spirit itself, no one can even dream to tame the spirit of the horse.

Dragon: So strong, strong will, Strong spirit, Strong Hearted. (Taken by RPGirl)

Ox/Cow: So very strong, able to lift anything I bet, but yet, so very kind hearted.

Sheep/Ram: Hard headed fool, but it does make a point…always

Rat/mouse: Its so fragile but yet, its so strong

Dog: So loyal, but yet I can’t tell if you really are…

Boar/Pig: Awww so cute, but omg so strong and ready to fight

Monkey: Such a playful Spirit, but yet so sad at times too

Rabbit: wow, such child like innocents, but yet such sading sorrow in its eyes, it knows the truth.

Tiger: Such a horrifying strong beast, but all it wants is too belong.


Tarsus: Slow to the finish but always makes it, never lets ya down!

Libra: Always so organized and balance, but yet there’s something in between.

Capricorn: So mixed up, but yet it keeps its cool, so intelligent.

Cancer: Always so mad, but yet has a sweet heart

Virgo: Wrapped in such deep mystery, but all the answer is there in its face

Gemini: Always so fighting…torn between good and bad. (Taken by Rpguy)

Leo: Such a Brave heart, ready to protect. But it all hides something deeper

Pieces: One with such a calm mind, but it can easily shift

Scorpio: One born with such a sharp wit and tongue, but it can easily sting itself too

Aries: A true shot, when it speaks, it hurts.

Aquarius: So gentle and clam, but please stay on its good side

-In this RP you’re gonna have to be a constellation, if all the constellations are taken then you can not join the RP nu more…sorry-



-No God moding
-No controlling others
-No Power Play
-No Machine gun posting
-Post up at least with the Minimum of 2 paragraphs
-Remember you don’t have to be the strongest
-u can have up to two characters


Name (Full)
Constellation Spirit
Apprace (Human and Constellation Form)
Legendary Weapon (Just post it up so you know what you’re looking for, but remember we’re looking for it, so you won’t have when u start)
Skills (With and with out Legendary Weapon)
Extra Info (You can do this if you want to)
Likes and Dislikes (Same as Extra Info, dun have to do this if you dun want to)

Here’s My Girl

Name: Regia Felingard

Age: 19

Constellation Spirit: Dragon

-Human- Girls/1203972627938.jpg

-Dragon- (Ryuu’s Form when she takes control)

Legendary Weapon: Dragon’s Fang- a 2 handed blade, it also doubles as a Chain Saw

-Without Weapon-

Stance: Regia seethes her swords and stands ready to do a quick draw; if you blink you’ll miss her hit.

Dragon’s Double Fang: Regia summons the strength of Ryuu and sends her Swords a blaze with green flames

Dragon’s Breath: Ryuu takes over and breathes out green flames; these flames have the power to paralyze a foe.

Dragon’s Rage: Ryuu fully takes control, she lashes out at the foes with blinding furry –WARNING- with this move she can be unpredictable, she can even attack friends.

-With Weapon-

Dragon’s Rage Level2: Ryuu revs up her chain saw like blade and slashes away.

Boomerang: She tosses her Sword that comes back to her.

Dragon’s Rebirth: She slams the huge blade into the ground; the area in a 20 meter reuse around her is destroyed.

Bio: Reiga is one of those shy girls who are really strong willed, she’s the next in line to inhered her father’s Twin Blade Dojo. She practices a lot with her sword to please her father. One night as she was heading to the main room of the dojo, she spotted a falling star; it landed close to her home/Dojo. She ran off to see what it was. She was surprise to see nothing was in the creator that the falling star made. But before she could turn away, an Orb of light entered her body.
Soon after that, Reiga started to hear a voice in her head, the voice said she’s Ryuu; constellation of The Dragon and she needed Reiga’s help to save Star Heavens. Reiga agreed to help Ryuu; hoping to improve her Sword Skills.
Reiga now helps Ryu with finding the other constellations, The Dragon’s legendary weapon and getting back to Star Heaven. Now Reiga has new powers and also able to change from herself to Ryuu.

Extra Info: Reiga is the shy type, she may act as if she’s strong but she is easy to blush and be quite. Ryuu on the other hand is outgoing and sometimes hyper, she loves to flirt, but she can get her head in the game when ever she wants to… key word there is Wants to.

Likes: Sweets, Training, and arts

Dislike: Math, Sour, being bored
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New member
Jul 9, 2007
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Name: Yarinna Marina
Constellation Spirit: Snake


Legendary Weapon: Serpintine Staff.
Poisonous Bite: In her Spirit form she bites her enemy poisoning them. This poison shuts down the enemys mobility.

Coilfang: Again in her Spirit form, she wraps her body around the enemy cutting off the air supply.

Slither: Stealthily she slithers away from the enemy giving her a great chance to attack them.

With Legendary Weapon​
Slitherstaff: While using her slither move the Serpintine Staff extends attacking the enemy.

Snakes Fury: She coils up and lunges at her opponent striking them with the staff and biting them emmiting a very deadly poison.

Bio: Yarinna was made a constalation when she was very young. She had been granted the spirit of the snake. When mother novas powers were weakening she pledged to do anything she could to save her.

Extra Info (You can do this if you want to)
Likes and Dislikes (Same as Extra Info, dun have to do this if you dun want to)


New member
Jun 2, 2008
Name Jake Maelstrom
Age 20
Constellation Gemini
regular Apprace : Cool anime guy image by XXjustthewayIamXX on Photobucket
Dark side:Evil anime image by dragonwarriorgx on Photobucket
Light side:Angel anime image by Inuyasha2007 on Photobucket
Legendary Weapon:Staff of Light and Scythe of the Dead
Skills With weapon: Psychotic Blitz: the light side and dark side combine and go on a mad lethal rage.
Deadly haze: Everything around him begins to blurr he begins to move as fast a sound making hime appear like a cloud of haze.
Divine Judgement: He slams his staff into the ground commanding sword of light to fly out of the ground at his enemys.
Skills without weapon: Arrows of Light: arrows fall down from the sky hitting all the enemys around him
Dark Lightning:Lightning falls from the skys into his hand that he uses fro hand to hand combat.
Divine Blast "a small blast of light flys out of his hand
Dark Blood Lust:when he drinks the blodd of an enemy he grow stronger and fast but is very vulnarble to close range attacks.
Bio: As a young boy he lost his parents and eversince has been living with a shrine elder the shrine he lives at is dedicated to the stars in the heavens above. the constlations have always fasinated him and he now work as a apprentice under the elder of the temple.
Likes: sour and sweet thing sleeping training and having fun with friend and pulling pranks
Dislikes: beginning pranked, being weak, boredom, people that get in the way.
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New member
Jul 26, 2007
Name: Leo Hanabusa
Age: 19
Constellation Spirit- Leo
[When the Spirit of Shiki takes control]
Legendary Weapon: Shishi Rendan- Three blades that hold the element of lightening inside of them
Black Cat Bag of Tricks: Reaches into his coat, pulling out something at random, anything is possible.

Twilight Zone: Sends him and his opponent into a dimension that only Shiki can control, his speed and power increases incredibly, but unfortunately keeping the dimension up takes a lot out of him so it can only last for a few moments and wears him out.

Blood Magic: Able to transform his blood into spear like projectiles that he fires at his opponent, also can be used as a wall for defense

With Weapon:
Shishi Rendan- Slams one of the blades into the ground, causing the ground around his opponent to crumble, throws another to impale his opponent and then finally uses it as a lightning rod to obliterate his foe with a charge of it.

Bio: Leo was a perfectly normal child, always outgoing and happy when one day he went to play in the shrine of the Leo Constellation Spirit. He was always warned not to go inside, but at the time the young boy was ready to try anything....he soon regretted it as he was taken in as the host of the new Leo spirit, soon forgetting his past and his name. He was reborn...

Now Leo is just a flirt, he's an obvious romantic but this is just a mask. He is bothered by the fact that he can't remember his childhood or who he really is, plus the fact that he harbors the spirit of a constellation in his body. 'I am I just being used? Will I be thrown away once I'm no longer needed?' Plus the looming fact that he has blackouts....being unable to control his body for periods of time as Shiki, the spirit of the Leo constellation, takes over....

Extra Info: Leo is a real flirt but secertly wants the one person who will love him for who he really is...ironicly he fears that he will be rejected if he shows his true side, Shiki on the other hand....He is focused with his duty, searching for his Weapon and a way to save Mother Nova. He can uptight and stuffy at first but holds a nice and kind spirit inside

Likes and Dislikes:
Likes: Sweets, romance novels and manga, his 'hunnies'

Dislikes: Uptight people, Shiki, annoying people, Shiki, Shiki, and did I mention Shiki?
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Hyuuga Neji

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Apr 19, 2006
over there <^v>
Name: Higashiyama Tanosuke
Age: 16
Constellation Spirit: Rooster

Human Form:

Constellation Form: characters/330Haseoxth.jpg

Legendary Weapon: Bladed wings, that when attached to his back allow him to fly rather than just glide (the orange ones in the constellation form)


Strength- He's not weak dispite being a rooster he's able to make holes in the most sturdy stones with a single punch or kick.

Glide- In Spirit form he can glide across long gaps.


-Tornado- with his blades he is able to spin around at high speeds and slash through surrounding enemies.

Feather dusted- An escape technique that summons a tornado of feathers around him and when it clears he's gone.

Bio: Growing up he was treated like an average child nothing special nothing bad. He figured he had his life all planned out. He picked up practicing with blades as a hobby and found scythe-like daggers to be his favorite. (kinda like the daggers in phantasy star universe if that helps). He trained day and night with them until he was sure there was no one better. Afterwords he just practiced with wooden ones with weighted blades to help movement. When he got to the age of 16 he was summoned to the spirit temple where he met his Constallation spirit and was told about the weapons he was meant to find and the life he was meant to have.

Extra info: His fighting style is completly his own using a combination of body and weapon attacks to dominate most fights

Likes: Fighting sparring and hights
Dislikes: Losing, and doing nothing
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((YAY redy to start, oh and even in mid RPing ppl can still join))

Such a wonderful night, the moon shine full in the skys over Tokyo. But the stars, they are so dim; flickering like a candle about to go out. 'Its getting worser' Siad an odd female voice.
A girl walked through the halls of the dojo, her feet padded along the oken floors. The girl seemed deep in thought.
'You heard me...te stars...they are weak..' Said that same odd voice, it seems to echo in the head of the girl; it was a voice only she choudl hear. The girl's name was Regia, hear to the dojo.
"Yes yes, I heard you" Siad Regia as she sadly looked out the window, towards the dimming stars.
"I see..." She said with a sadden voice.

The girl walked towards the main room of th dojo, there on it's wall laid the pride of the Twin Blade Dojo; The sword of the heavens.
"Ryu, is this the weapon you told me you are looking for?" Siad Regia as she took the blade, the girl unselth it and held it upward.
The blade was lovly, it was a true craft. 'Hmmm, no, its not my weapon...its not in this world' Siad Ryu.

Regia sheath the sword and placed it at her sided, "This is gonna take a long time" Siad Regia as she headed towards the Dojo's entrance door.


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Jun 2, 2008
Jake looked outside at the moonlite sky. "What a wonderful night it is" he said as he looked at the stars in the sky. He had a puzzled look on his face as a star slowly faded away."I wonder what that was" he said. "Ive never seen a star go out" he said. He got on his hands and knees and prayed to the temple of the stars.

As he finished he saw some shooting stars falling to the ground. He made a wish on one knowing that even though it was a myth about the stars. Jake continued his duties this night he had slacked off and been ordered to clean the shrine this late at night. Jake didnt mind it was a very calming job.


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Jul 9, 2007
*points to map* HERE!
Yarinna was calmly walking around the dojo. Her feet we uncovered. As she walked her dark hair slowly bounced on her back. She entered the main chamber of the dojo and saw Regia. Yarinna stayed back listening to the girl talking. Her ears perked as she listened.

She walked up to Regia and stood next to her. "What're you looking at?" She said staring up at the swords. "Is this what you were looking for?" She looked around the room absent mindedly. She turns back to Regia with her arms crossed. Then a voice whispered in her ear:

"Quiet girl. Do not speak when you don't know what you are talking about. Trust me if you find a legendary weapon you will know."

She replied to the voice outloud: "Uhh im sorry Aina." She rubber her upper left arm with her right arm.

"You know you don't have to speak outloud to me. All you have to do is think it and I will know."

Again outloud she says "I f-forgot." she stuttered. She still was afraid of her spirit. Aina was mean to her because Yarinna wasn't as smart as Aina could've wished.
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Hyuuga Neji

New member
Apr 19, 2006
over there <^v>
Tanosuke was just sitting on his roof as he watched the stars twinkle as they slowly dimmed and brightened. He heard his spirit in his head, it asked him for his name. "Tanosuke... Higashiyama Tanosuke" he said aloud inresponse to the voiced question. He was still thinking about what happened at the temple...

... He was approaching an alter shining bright with a banner above two blades much like the ones Tanosuke fights with. He slowly approached them unsure of what would happen. They were crafted with better hands than even the best smith in the world.
Just looking at them he knew immediately they were special. As he reached out to them they grew brighter and brighter. The instant his hand touched the blades his body flashed into his constallation form and flashed back. He was now holding the blades unsure of what happened. He held the blades that were once infront of him, when suddenly a voice ran through his head. 'Hello,' Was all it said. After some time of conversing with it he witnessed the purpose of the spirit and it vanished from his mind for a while...

Now here Tanosuke sits on his roof conversing once again with his spirit. "So those blades of legend... Are these-"
'No those are not them, those are merely the blades i once used in search of the ones of legend.'
"But the feel of these are much different than any i ever felt, they're so light. And they feel so fragile as if they could break any second."
'They were crafted by me to insure they would not break. I heated the metal and folded it over and over to harden it. It worked sure enough.'
"So tell me more about the constallations... Are there others?"
'Yes 23 others to be exact. Currently three others have found their partners, Two are at a Dojo not far from here and one other at the very same spirit temple we were at not long ago, we should probably go and meet them. As we will be working with them for some time.'
And with that the spiritual prescense vanished and Tanosuke jumped off the roof and started walking in the direction of the dojo. He knew the dojo well 'The Twin Blade Dojo'. The very same place where he got his inspiration from to fight with blades. As he approached the Dojo he saw a girl standing at the entrence. "Hello," he said smiling at Regia. "I'm Tanosuke, what's ur name?"


New member
Regia glanced back at Yarinna; ready to ask her question. But she was interupted by Ryu, 'Now, Now Sister Ania... you shouldn't be so mean to your Partner.' Siad the dragon almost in a taunting way.
The Spirits of Constellations are able to hear each other and speak with each other, sadly only Constellations and there partners are only able to hear each others; Other's can't.
Regia remind silent and let Ryu do the talking, 'Well, anyways. Its not what we're looking for... I fear my weapon is not in this world.' Siad Ryu in a Sadden manner. 'But, I do since something speacail for all of us, something that can help us get to other worlds...'Siad Ryu in a light hearted voice.

"We are going to go see if we can locate not wait up" Siad Regia in her normal quite and shy voice. The blade weilding girl turn to leave the Dojo only to be face to face with a vistor. But something about this vistor, he had a feeling to him. He introduced himself as Tanosuke.
Regia bowed and let Ryu answer, 'Hmm, Brother that you?' Siad Ryu.
"Another partner for the constellations?" Siad Regia as she looked at Tanosuke.

Hyuuga Neji

New member
Apr 19, 2006
over there <^v>
'Hai. I am The rooster.' Said the voice 'And is it safe to assume it is you, Ryu sister dragon?' He asked. Tanosuke only looked confused as to why the voice in his head was talking to someone he could not see or hear. "What's going on?" Tanosuke asked the voice in his head. "Who are you talking to?" He asked out of complete confusion.
'I am speaking with one of the other constallation spirits. It seems Only we and our partners can hear us, But other partners can't.'
"You confuse me to no end... I'm just gonna say that the constallations can talk with other constalations and their partners but not other constallations partners."
'Isn't that what i just said?'
"I dunno but it's what I'm gonna say to explain it." Tanosuke has his delayed reaction to Regia's question "Huh? Oh haha yeah. I'm Tanosuke with the spirit of the rooster. Nice to meet you" He says as He puts on a friendly smile and bows back. 'So sister, your weapon is not on this world either it seems?' The rooster Spirit asks. 'I'm beginning to doubt any of our weapons are here.'


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Jul 9, 2007
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Yarinna walked up to visit the new person as her spirit said to the dragon: "I will treat my human as I wish Ryu. You cannot dictate me.. Yarinna replied to her spirit inside her head for once remembering So..uhh you can talk to her spirit?. She could feel the snakes annoyance with her."Yes I have explained this to you already." She played with her fingers. S-sorry.

Yarinna looked up and saw Tanosuke speaking with Regia. She bowed to Tanosuke already speaking with Regia. Then she heard the snake spirit. "Ahh brother Rooster you have found your partner as well? I hope yours is smarter than mine. The snake hissed in her head as she looked down. Then a minute or so later she looked up at Tanosuke and said; "Hi I am Yarinna. It is a pleasure to meet you." She smiled shyly.


New member
Jun 2, 2008
"There seems to be alot of comtion next door' said Jack. 'There are people with constillations over there its safe to say there are three' said two said gabriel and lazurus at the same time inside his head. 'You dont say' said jack as he started to creep over to next door. 'Hopefully master wont find out im not doing my job' he thought quitely.

'Jack walked over to the dojo and found three people it is the rooster the dragon and the snake we sense' said Lazurus and Gabriel. 'Pleased to meet you all' said Jack 'i am the vessel of gemini'. Lazurus And Gabriel both said 'We are gemini is it safe to assume we are all allies here'. 'Is there importance of the meeting held here tonight' they said. 'Are you talking to the other constallations' thought jack. 'Yes we are but you will not hear them' they said.


New member
Regia rased a brow as she looked at everyone, a smile came on her face; almost as if she was gloating a bit.
'Oy, wipe that smile off your face, Regia... we still haven't find them all...this quest is still gonna get hard' Siad Ryu.
Regia lightly giggled as Ryu's words, and went back to her normal face. "Well everyone, I am glad we are here. Along with our constellations, why don't we come inside the Dojo to talk about our hidden weapons" Siad Regia as she turned towards the main chamber of the Dojo.

'Hmm, I thinking about the ship are we?' Siad Ryu, "Yes, we need to find the ship that ca take us to other worlds" Siad Regia as she glanced back at everyone. "Has anyone since a high peek of Star power anywhere, if we can find the sorce of that power...that'll be the ship. I bet" Siad Regia as she stood before the Budda statue that stood tall in the main chamber.


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Jul 9, 2007
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Yarinna followed Regia near the statue of Budda as she sat on her knees. She looked up at Regia while she was talking. Not knowing what to do she sat there quietly. Meanwhile Aina was talking to her inside her head. "Ahh the ship. I knew this would come up soon enough. Once we find it, and my weapon we can save Mother Nova."[i/] Knowing other contelations could hear this, she looked around the room anxiously. Then replied inside her own head. Aina, where is the ship? Do you know where it is? she ask nerviously. "Ahh Yarinna if I knew that would we still be sitting here right now? Don't you think I'd have said something to the other constelations so we'd be off by now? That thing has been lost for a long time. No one has seen it for upwards of 1000 years. We must search for it." Yarinna rubbed her arm as if she was being punished.

She thought about where to search for the ship. She couldn't think of anywhere. Knowing Aina was reading her thoughts she waited for her to come in with a comment. Yarinna thought of no where to look. She announced to the others; "I cannot think of anywhere to look. Can any of you?" She said this weakly and nervously knew Aina would have something to say. "Stupid girl! You never reveal anything! Whether you know it or you don't! You never get far in life like that! The whole time Aina was screaming in Yarinna's head. She looked scared to tears as she waited for others to speak.

Hyuuga Neji

New member
Apr 19, 2006
over there <^v>
"Sense star power...? Hmmmm..." Said Tanosuke "How do we sense it?" He thought to his spirit. 'You have to focus close your eyes and concentrait on your goal. Feel the world around you. Relax and try to feel it' Upon doing as the Rooster Spirit instruced, Tanosuke started to feel a strange sensation radiating from within him. He felt the same feeling radiating from the others. "That! Is that it? That feeling?" He throught to his spirit. Even though his eyes were closed he could still see all of the others around him each one putting off their own aura.

'No, That is not it, all you see and feel in this state are the other spirits.' The rooster said to tanosuke. 'If you want to feel the star power you're going to have to look deeper than Spirits. You're going to have to feel everything not just them but the ground below you as well. The dojo even. Relax.' Tanosuke closed his eyes again. This time he felt himself fading away from the dojo. His vision cleared up and suddenly he felt a different kind of power. A power unlike what he'd ever felt, not like the spirits. He looked closely at what he was seeing and approached it.'That's it there, the ship!' Tanosuke Ripped open his eyes and found himself directly infront of the statue.

"I feel it! It's behind the statue!" He exclaimed in excitment, after having learned how to sense powers and other beings as well. He Dashed around to the other side of the statue and started pushing. "If we can move the statue I Garuntee we'll find the ship some where close by! This wall ends right behind the statue! Which means that there's a room or hallway behind the statue!" The statue hasn't moved even a quarter of an inch. One person can't move the statue alone, it's going to take every one to move the statue.


New member
Reiga looked at everyone, trying to see if they came up with any ideas. She quickly looked away when she saw Jack. Ryu let out a light chuckle as she noticed this. The blade wilding girl sighed as she adjusted her glasses, only to jump at Tanosuke's Explantion.
"The Ship? Here?" Siad Reiga with confution.
'Well, that is a good place to hide it, right under our noses and we are too low of a level to since Star Power yet...' Said Ryu as Reiga walked over to the Budda statue

She began to push, the stute still wasn't moving. Tanosuke was right it would take all of them to move it...unless.
'I got an idea' Thought Regia silently to herself; only Ryu could hear her thought, 'Rryu, lend me your streanth I want to move this' She continue to thought.
Ryu chuckled again, this time only Reiga could hear it, 'You just want to show off to the holder of Gemini...aren't you' Siad Ryu to her.
Reiga looked to the side; giving a maybe look. With a high since of constellation energy around her, Reiga pushed the Budda stute to the side.

It reveled a stoney passageway, a cool damp breeze could be felt from it. Reiga smiled as she silently said thanks to Ryu. The shy girl glanced back as Jack and then quickly pulled her eye to the passage way.
"Quickly now, lets get going" Siad Reiga as she walked into the passage way.

Hyuuga Neji

New member
Apr 19, 2006
over there <^v>
Tanosuke followed her into the passage. The moment he walked in he felt a kind of chill really nice breeze though. Then he thought to his spirit "is it always gonna be that hard?" He wondered if he'd ever get the hang of it. He found that power to be very difficult to find. Like a sixth sense but it was almost impossible to access. "No." His spirit responded. "After a while it will become almost second nature, but that is when and only when you have become stronger, from now on i suggest if you wish to locate and source of star power you are well guarded, for from here on you must fight and it only becomes harder as you move on."

Tanosuke looked around at the tunnels thinking of how old they must be. Who could have created them so long ago with such a good structure? How did they do it? And how did no one know it was here? All those questions didn't really matter but were merely something to make him get his mind off of one thing. 'From here on, there's no turning back' he thought. Once they reach the end of this tunnel there's no quitting. Like his training he has to stick to it to the end.


New member
The group finaly made it into the main chamber of the hidden caveren. It was dimmly lit with torches. Reiga was impressed, "I wonder could could have made this....on earth?" Siad Reiga as she adjusted her glasses.
'Angent ansctors that used to worship the stars' Replied Ryu.
"Hm" Reiga just shrugged.

Suddenly there was a precents in the huge chamber that felt like a persure on the chest. "The hell is that?!" Yelled Reiga and Ryu together.

'Those who are chosen by the stars them self, are ye truly wrothy of the ship... let us see if you are' Said two voices. One sounded female the other male.

The torches of the chamber quickly flared up, it was blainding. Suddenly two gaint beast stood before the group. One had fur black as night the other was slim and white liek like the glowing moon.
"Let us test you, young ones" Siad the slim white one, its four legs claws at the ground.
"FIGHT US" Roared the black beast.

They both charged at the young group.

Hyuuga Neji

New member
Apr 19, 2006
over there <^v>
Tanosuke just looks at the creatures but is fully prepared to fight as he rushes back at them and is stopped dead in his tracks as he draws his blades and crosses them to stop the on coming bite from the white beast. "You're not so tough" he mocks the beast. The beast gets angry and snaps it's jaw shut. Tanosuke falls back a couple feet but regains his balance and charges back at the beast this time with his blades put away and when the beast throws a bite he jumps over it and punches it's jaw shut towards the ground, but tanosuke is knocked streight out of the air by the black one.

"So that's how you wanna play it.." he gets up once more and rushes at the black beast this time and spins around the bite scratching the side of it's face and grabs it's fur to swing onto it's neck. Now mounted on the beast he smiles but it fades when the beast rears up on it's hind legs throwing him off. Panting Tanosuke gets up again he draws his blades. "you'll never win this way boy! they're here to gaurd the ship if you want to prove you're strong enough you have to work with the others or else you're doomed." the rooster spirit tells him. So tanosuke yells to the rest of the group "Ya know help would be nice right about now!!"