Stephen Harper A Good Prime Minister?

The Miz

New member
Jan 12, 2006
Alright, for those of you who are Canadians, I'm sure you know that on January 23rd, Stephen Harper's Conservative party beat out Paul Martin's Liberal government in the voting. Paul Martin did also shortly after step down as prime minister, which then meant as of Feburary 6th, Stephen Harper would be the prime minister and the Conservatives would be the main political party, although only a minority government.

Basically I'm against this. Stephen Harper is trying to make Canada more secure then it already is, and it was bad enough before when it was hard for people to get pardons, and it was literally hell to find a job, leave the country, even have a decent living for anybody who had a criminal record in Canada, and he seems to want longer prison sentences, make it more strict so only the perfectly educated and goody-good people can live the way they want, get a job, make a living for themselves without being a target of the law for doing little things that could ruin their lives.

Point it, Stephen Harper people will see sooner or later is gonna be a lousy prime minister. I'm relieved that he only has a minority government or it would probably be much worst then it is now, the guy is only what? 30 years old or something like that. He's not even experienced because if you look all past Canadian prime ministers were 50+ years old, not 30-35 maybe around how old Stephen Harper is right now.

Personally, I hate to say, but Canada is gonna be a ****ty place to live, earn a living, do anything without getting charged or something against you for as long as he's in charge.

I know this topic may seem a little weird as its Canadian-only focused, but I'm still interested in hearing what some of you may think, how would you like it if this guy was your leader instead of say Tony Blair, George Bush or whoever else is a leader out there.

But anyways, what does everyone think? Will he be a good prime minister? Or will he **** things over as I believe he will?


My time is ticking away....
Staff member
Jan 12, 2006
Outworld, Canada
I knew he was gonna win, Paul Martin made liberals look bad so people didn't want to elect them again. NDP here was popular because they want to help students with school educate even the poor but there problem is they also have a bad rep. Since conservatives haven't had power for a while everyone wants a change and give them a chance. I however didn't vote for convervatives, but I don't mind giving them a chance. Canada wasn't super well with paul martin but I agree steven harper might make it a little worse.

If it was me NDP, Green Party and Liberals should join and make one party or hell just NDP and Liberals should. They will have much power that way + my vote goes there then.

Either that or a new party needs to come out and the main problem is these days people just want a "white" person english or french not being racist but everyone knows it. We need a new party and other kinds of "colored" people. I have seen some Premiers of provinces being other than "white" and they have some good ideas and points.

Basically we need more people getting involved im tired of hearing the same bull**** from the same freakin party's over and over again. We need someone new who we can give a chance too but someone who ahs experience or has someone to help them in their party that is experienced.

The Miz

New member
Jan 12, 2006
Yeah, that's an issue too. The French are so opinionated and at that most of the time not even reasonable whatsoever towards some ideas on improving Canada. Such as making Quebec a country of their own, or reducing taxes just for people in Quebec who speak french, or their own hockey league which they got.

Quite frankily the French need to get their head out of their asses (no offense to anyone who may be French here) but seriously some ideas and demands they make are so unreasonable and in the end when they vote it effects the statistics bigtime, as Quebec is the second most populated province in Canada.


My time is ticking away....
Staff member
Jan 12, 2006
Outworld, Canada
well if I was PM i would say hey Quebec you wanna be sperated okay this what we do you can be your own country thats no problem but you have to pay all the millions of dollars you owe to Canada, your currency won't be canadian anymore but lower than ours and much of the worlds, we are going to tax you on all exports that cross our borders, the canadian army belongs to us now all your troops either have to live in canada or be kicked out of the army and live in quebec....

so on.... the way I see it we shoud let quebec seperate and watch them suffer. It's suicide for them to seperate they will die, who's gonna trade with a small ass country I mean damn poor countries like Africa will have higher currency..... Also who da hell is gonna vote for the quebec party? only reason they do well is cause of quebec and some ontario area's....

I dunno if anyone knows but now border security is allowed to have guns and can fire them if anyone try's to run or attack them or anything thats breaking the law even slightly...

The Miz

New member
Jan 12, 2006
Yeah, plus living a 1/2 hour away from the Quebec-Ontario border myself, I know first hand if they try and put a border thing with security where the Ontario-Quebec border is, then damn there's gonna be a couple years construction going on there, because damn. . .the Ontario-Quebec border is well pretty ugly, and gross looking, the signs are all rusted and everything. :/


My time is ticking away....
Staff member
Jan 12, 2006
Outworld, Canada
Well 2 years later.. he still is an "okay" PM. Things haven't gotten worse, but nothing has gotten too much better... well taxes went down, but other stuff like medical care sucks now!