Temple of Trepidation


One Name. One Legend.
May 3, 2006
Rings of Naglifar
The once prosperous Temple of Trepidation fell to pieces in ages past, but now seeks to regain power again. Looking up to our God’s / Godesses for power, we shall worship them into the next life. Sacrificing our needs and dreams in order to help them undergo their mischievous plot is what we dream for. Raising God’s / Godesses from mere mortals of hate is no easy task. Instead, we must recognize them and raise them onto the pedestal of power. These ones will be followed by the diligent workers and followers, the ones that are not the chosen but still follow the way of the Temple.

The aim is simple, to benefit the forum by striking fear into the hearts of the low life’s, better known as the dreaded n00b. Instilling teh fear into their souls will have them stop using SPAM and terrible unlegible grammar. This is the only and true way to do it. AS this progresses, The mere followers will attempt to do this task, but shall learn from the great ways of the God’s / Godesses . Watching them, following their movements, they become loyal and learn how to undergo this mysterious plan.

Do you wish to assume a role of the God? Will the people elect you to lead the faith? If you think you have the blood to try, use this registration:

What makes you qualify?:
Are you truely the definition of Fear?:

For those of you who wish to not attempt to be a God, post in the thread with a welcome statement. Positions will be applied accordingly.

1. Azh (Xenocide - God of Destruction)


Temple Worshippers:
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Lord Defience

New member
May 12, 2006
S. Yorkshire- UK
Name: Napht

What makes you qualify: Well I think you know. But I'll say anyway. Terror is a word for those who can feel, what I am is death. I am not so much something you feel, I am your fears, and I am very much alive. I am more than likely going to be the one who sends you and your pathetic ways to Hell, or worse.
Also I do not care for anyone other than myself, this is the selfish way anyone should be if they want to strike fear into th heart of the unworthy.
And real life terms: One word Trepidation =P Plus I am good at hating people. (is that good enough for ya?)

Are you truely the definition of evil: Yes. I am the one who strikes fear into the pitiful, I am evil at one of it's most deverstating levels.I am fear. I am evil. And just for a simple answer, again, yes.
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