Welcome Back To Gamerz-Place!


My time is ticking away....
Staff member
Jan 12, 2006
Outworld, Canada
Hey everyone,

Some might know me as Striker from Starcraft-2, or Gamerz_Master from Gaming-Nation, or Gimpy from Nova Gamers Forum, and here on GamerzPlace as Nitz.

Well I just want to welcome you all back to the new and improved Gamerz-Place.net

What is Gamerz-Place? Some might know, but people from SC2, GN and NGF might not.....well you can read below for details and also check it out -> http:/www.Gamerz-Place.net

I also want to Welcome users back from Starcraft-2, Gaming-Nation and Nova Gamers Forums. We all now have merged into one board here at Gamerz-Place. This will strengthen the gaming community, and allow us to create a larger gamer group. If you had an account at any of the forums listed above, your accounts STILL will work here or the username should STILL be the same.

Some of you may need to reset your password or maybe have forgotten it.
Below is your listed username, and a link to reset your password.

Gosh, it has been awhile since we've been back up. We had some major server crashes, and after that things went downhill.
As for myself, I was bogged down with Uni work and just never had the chance to get back up nor the money or help.

So we know have a new server, which seems pretty good so far. I don't expect any crashes or for GP to go down at all. I do have a lot more free time and really thought it was about time to get things going again.

I hope everyone likes the new design as GP. I've been slaving away since the end of October to get this place up and running. We have TONS of new features, which you can learn about here. -->> http://www.gamerz-place.net/updates-announcements/new-features-11289.html

Though the forums are up and running, we are still in the mean time working on other parts of GP. We have a website opening up soon, arcades, gaming wiki, a gaming youtube area and our own gaming store selling video games and other accessories. All will come with due time.

Also, if you notice any bugs or problems, please post about it in this forum --> Suggestions & Questions - Gamerz-Place Forums

There may be some small problems or bugs that were missed, so with all your help we should be able to fix all of them :)

I wish I could say more, but it would make this post and email WAY to long. I will be posting separate threads on new features we have and how to use them. As well as new rules.

A note for all those members, who have had a bad past record. All banned users are now UNBANNED. I wanted to start this community off on a new start and that includes everyone. This is a new year, and I know many of us have grown and changed a lot.

So I have made a thread here --> http://www.gamerz-place.net/introductions-moderating-tm/reunion-11288.html

This is really for all the members returning. I know a lot of us know each other or remember usernames. So it will be a good way for us to say hi and just see all the familiar faces we remember from all the forums here. I know we all will have some amazing stories to share.

On another note, I noticed as I was cleaning the forums. Our Role Play forum has some AMAZING stores and role plays going on. So if you are into Role Plays check it out here ---> Role-Playing Square - Gamerz-Place Forums

To sum this up quickly. I will try to send a newsletter every month updating everyone with stats, and what's new. Though most of the updates will be posted in this forum here --> Updates and Announcements - Gamerz-Place Forums

I hope you all will come check out GP, and have loads of fun.
If you have any questions or problems with your accounts etc.. You can email me back or always PM me at the forums.

That's all Folks, I hope you see you around at GP.

Wishing you all a Happy New Year.

Take care,


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My time is ticking away....
Staff member
Jan 12, 2006
Outworld, Canada
Resetting your Password --> Gamerz-Place Forums - Lost Password Recovery Form

I wanted to state that some users the top 250 might have gotten 2-3 of these emails.

It seems like our server only allows 250 emails per a hour. So out of the 1000 members, a lot of you didn't get the email yet. They are now being processed once again.

So if you get an email 2 or 3 times, I apologizes. We didn't know what was causing the emails to NOT be sent. Looks like we have a limit, so emails are slowly being sent ever hour or soo.... and hopefully it gets to you.

Thanks and sorry once again.


My time is ticking away....
Staff member
Jan 12, 2006
Outworld, Canada
hmm well it sent out almost all the emails now.. I'm starting to feel like it didn't send or went into junk/spam boxes?

UPDATE: All emails have now been sent to all members. I know some may not get it, because they changed their email addresses and no long use the ones on their accounts here.

So BE SURE YOU UPDATE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESSES for your account's here. Otherwise unless you have me on msn or aim.. we have NO way of contacting you at all.
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My time is ticking away....
Staff member
Jan 12, 2006
Outworld, Canada
Ok I got it now and it wasn't it spam either.
Thanks for letting me know.

Ya all the emails are now sent out. We had a 250 email limit problem. Which has been solved now, as the system now limits 240 emails max per a hour.

The biggest problem I noticed is a few members have changed emails... so some people won't know about us being back unless they randomly visit to check or word of mouth via msn etc...